Tingyun Help center Tingyun Browser Web Page Related Metrics

Page monitoring

Page load

The total time of the page load, in seconds. From the beginning of the NavigationStart event to the end of the LoadEventEnd event. The formula: LoadEventEnd-NavigationStart

HTML load

Refers to the main HTML file from DNS resolution to load and does not include queue time and application server response time, which contains DNS, TCP connection, Request and Response. The formula: responseEnd-domainlookupStart-queuing time - application server response time

Page Rendering

From the beginning of the responseEnd event to loadEventEnd end, including DOM parsing and resource loading, the formula: LoadEventEnd-responseEndDomContentLoadedEventEnd-responseEnd

DOM parsing

From the beginning of the responseEnd event to the end of the DomContentLoadedEventEnd event, the formula: DomContentLoadedEventEnd-responseEnd

Resource load

From the beginning of the DomContentLoadedEventEnd event to the end of the loadEventEnd event, calculate the formula:LoadEventEnd-DomContentLoadedEventEnd

Page Views

Page view (Page View, abbreviation PV) is recorded for the number of pages per minute. Unit PPM (PageView per minute)

JS error rate

The proportion of JS errors. JS error contains Javascript error code and location information.

Server response time

Server response time is the time that the application server processes the request. The response time is equal to the time when the request arrives at the application server to the application code execution and outputs the response information. (automatic Server agent injection is required, , otherwise the server response time is zero)


Apdex defines three user satisfaction intervals based on the "responsiveness" , based on the application response scores calculated for the Apdex T values set to the applications. The three intervals of "satisfied", "tolerable”, "disappointed" are divided by the response time value “T”. The T value represents the user's satisfaction limit or the "threshold" to the response time for the application performance of the application. The the bottom line of the first interval of "satisfied", such as 0.5 seconds, the satisfaction interval is 0 ~ 0.5 seconds; if the response time exceeds T value , users are somewhat dissatisfied; the next interval "tolerant” limit is T and 4T, o.5~ 2 seconds for the tolerance interval; if the response time longer than that, users begin to consider giving up; the response time of the last interval "disappointed" is greater than 4T, that is, more than 2 seconds.

Apdex index

Apdex samples the tasks that occur in the application and divides the samples into the corresponding satisfaction interval according to their response time, counts, and calculates the Apdex index by a formula. Apdex index = [satisfied quantity + (tolerable quantity / 2)] / total number of samples. Actually, the meaning of this formula is that a satisfied sample score is 1, a tolerable sample score is 0.5, a disappointed sample score is 0. So the formula can also be written as: Apdex index = (1 × satisfied number + 0.5 × tolerable quantity) / total sample number. In this way, the data result is quantified as a value between 0 and 1, that is, "Apdex index", 0 is satisfied with none, 1 on behalf of all users are satisfied.After the statistics, Apdex detailed matches the value and user satisfaction, and the Apdex score for application performance is closely related to the user's experience, providing managers with a way to assess user satisfaction by application performance quantization.

Page time-consuming ratio

The ratio of the page load time of the page (host) to the whole application. For example, within a specified time, an application or page to access the host is a and b, which host a average page load time is 1.5s, pv is 100, host b average page load time is 2s, pv is 130, then the page time-consuming ratio for host a is (1.5 * 100) / (1.5 * 100 + 2 * 130) * 100% , the result is about 36.6%.

Slow pages accounted ratio

The times of the slow page tracing in the percentage of total page views (app, host or page).

AJAX request response time

The merger time that all Ajax request time’s projection in the time axis.


The time to uninstall the current page, the formula: unloadEnd-unloadStart


The time consumed by the page redirection operation, the formula: redirectEnd-redirectStart


The time consumed by taking cache data, the formula: domainLookupStart-fetchStart


Through the domain name resolution service (DNS), the time to resolve the domain name to the IP address. For example, the time to resolve www.tingyun.com resolved to

TCP Connection time

The time it takes for the browser and the web server to establish a TCP / IP connection. When the element is downloaded, the browser may keep the connection based on the results returned by the server, rather than completely closing the connection. When the monitoring node establishes a connection with the same server again, the connection will be multiplexed and the corresponding elapsed time may be zero. This metric is the first two-way handshake time of the three-way TCP / IP connection(The time from TCP packetsSYN are sent from IE to TCP packet SYN ACK received by the server), the third handshake time (the time from TCP packet is sent from IE to the TCP packet is received by server) is not counted.

Queue time

Queue time refers to the server-side request blocking time, that is, from the Web front-end server (such as Apache, nginx or F5 load balancing device) to reach the application server time.

First packet time

The time from the start page request to the browser to start receiving HTML code , not including the queue time and server-side time, the formula: responseStart-connectEnd - queuing time - the server response time responseStart

Remaining package time

The time from the responseStart event to the end of the responseEnd event, the formula: responseEnd-responseStart

First rendering time

From the navigation to the first time the page rendering , the formula: firstPaintTime-navigationStart (also known as white screen time, firstPaintTime, part of browser version does not support the property , such as IE8 and below)

First interaction time

The time from the user's first action takes - navigationStart, where actions include: click, press, scroll the mouse.

Customize load time

Each page can be set to a user-defined load time performance metric. When the AJAX request URL address on the page matches the expression in the option, Tingyun browser agent records the processing time of the AJAX request that matches the condition as the "custom load time". "Custom Load Time" can be viewed in the page analysis - page dimension performance graph.

AJAX response time

The average response time for each AJAX request, in seconds.

AJAX Transaction data volume

Average Transaction data volume (upload + download bytes) for each AJAX request, in KB

AJAX callback time

The average callback time for each AJAX request, in seconds (callback time is when the data is sent from the server to the client, the local codes call the data to do the appropriate process, can be considered as the local execution time)

Client time

The sum time fragments that there is no network transmission from the request to a resource to download the process. Such as DNS-TCP connection, switching between them needs to consume CPU to schedule, which may produce a very short time gap


The first packet time (of resource / element) . The time from the TCP connection to the browser to the server to receive the first response, including the client sending the request, the server response and network transmission time.


Remaining package time ( of resource / element)