Tingyun Help center Tingyun Browser Web Page Monitoring

Web Page Monitoring

The agent currently supports four deployments: copy and paste JS plain text, use the chain, Tingyun server agent automatic injection and WordPress plugin.

1. Copy and paste JS plain text

For copy and paste JS plain text deployment method, Tingyun Browser system provides the agent Javascript script fragment. Users need to add it to the web page or applications where need to monitor performance. This deployment offers a custom configuration, the change of that will affect the generation of Javascript script fragments, so you will need to regenerate the Javascript script again after each edition. The custom configuration includes trace thresholds, Ajax request, cross-application analysis and custom load time settings. For the detailed meaning of the configuration, please see the parameter configuration.



2. Use the Chain

For use the chain deployment method, Tingyun Browser system provides the agent Javascript fragment download. Users need to add the Javascript fragment into their web page or applications where need to monitor performance by the chain.
This deployment also offers a custom configuration, the change of that will affect the generation of Javascript script fragments, so you will need to regenerate the Javascript script again after each edition. The custom configuration includes trace thresholds, Ajax request cross-application analysis and custom load time settings. For the detailed meaning of the configuration, please see the parameter configuration.

==Batch Deployment Method:==

If nginx site can not copy and paste the JS code to the page (no permission or can not modify the code or too many pages, etc.), you can insert the JS code into the specified page via nginx’s nginx_http_sub_module, refer below:

location / {
    sub_filter  </head> '<script src="http://路径/tingyun-rum.js"></script></head>';
    sub_filter_once on;

3. Tingyun Server agent automatic injection

(1)Default Method

The script injection of the deployment method is done automatically by Tingyun server based on the user’s settings. After the user selects the server application to be injected, click the Enable button so that the Server agent will automatically add JavaScript script fragments to the corresponding application on each dynamic page output.


(2)The chain method(node.js)

Compared with the default method, JS agent is able to achieve local cache, saving the client additional traffic consumption.
Select the server application to be injected, click the [Enable] button, then it will appear a "download JS”. After JS download, After JS download, users need to follow the prompts below to add it into the web page that needs to monitor by the chain method.


4. WordPress Plug-in

This deployment applies to Web applications created by WordPress.Users can download the WordPress plugins in this deployment method, then log in WordPress background and it will upload the plugins, then console configures plugins. Enter the application name, click Save to generate the application Key, copy it, re-enter WordPress background to find the installed plug-in Settings. Fill in the Key and summit it, the deployment is done.
